MITESOL 2015: How Blended Learning Can Pack More Objectives in Your EAP Writing Classes

Choosing a Good Topic: Nearpod

This is a Nearpod I created for my 094 Graduate Writing for International Students class. With this homework tool, I was able to embed this Nearpod into our Blackboard shell, assign this task for the weekend, and have students arrive on Monday with fairly focused topics that we could fine-tune and start working on right away. I received all of their responses in a .PDF report, and I was able to read what they had written and come into class with my own feedback ready to go as well.

Upper-Level Writing Class: Versal 

This is the Versal page I used to teach my students APA and Parallel Structures. As you can see, the units require completion before you can move on to the next, and I was able to track my enrolled students as they completed the tasks.

Student-Created Vocabulary Set: Quizlet 

In this class I created a vocabulary card for each word, but left the definitions blank. My students then went in and found appropriate definitions and images that reflected the meaning of each word. I am able to track how much each student is using Quizlet to study, so I can see if low test/quiz scores can be easily attributed to low motivation to study, or if another issue might be at play.

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